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Die Xbox Spielkonsole der dritten Generation von Microsoft kam am 22. November 2013 auf den Markt;

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My xbox one keeps truning itself off

okay so yesterday morning i tried turning my Xbox one on it stays on for 5-10 seconds then turns itself off again can anyone help me ? It was working perfectly fine the day before, it hasn’t been dropped/fallen or damaged in any way.

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Hilfreichste Antwort

1 – MOST LIKELY – The console is too hot internally (overheating – fan issue – blocked air vents)

2 – The power supply or power supply cord has an issue or is faulty (end of power cord going into Xbox is bent or damaged)

3 – The TURN OFF setting is enabled and the console has been inactive for the period of time (change the power ON and OFF settings)

Turn on the console – Scroll left from Home to open the guide – Select Settings – Select All Settings – Select Power – Select Turn off or restart. If you still have issues with the Xbox turning off by itself, continue reading below…

CHECK First – Check to be sure the power supply cord is connected to the Xbox securely and is not loose or damaged.

CHECK Second – Be sure the Xbox power cord going to the outlet is secure and not loose or bent.

CHECK Third – Make sure there is no heavy dust build-up on the air vents of the Xbox that could allow it to overheat.

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I'll give them a go now


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jay wird auf ewig dankbar sein.

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Insgesamt: 54