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Replace the Main Board the power supply is not getting the 5V panel on voltage from the Main Board..
Mehr erfahrenHello Patrick, the chalk substance you see is just to keep parts from vibrating especially line filters and transformers, it is something Manufactures use to secure parts that will potentially vibrate and cause noise. As to your no power issue there could be a few reasons, you could have a bad power/inverter board according to your picture the power board has to functions to power on the system and power on the LED lamps. I don’t know your level of electronics troubleshooting, but the first thing you need to check is the supply voltages coming from the larger cable running to the Main board, the value of the voltages of each pin is indicated on the board in small print. But considering you have a red standby light on tells me your standby voltage is there. First try unplugging the TV and hold in the power button for 20 secs while the set is unplugged from AC. This is called hard reset. If that doesn’t work try turning on the set unplug the large cable coming for the power supply to the main board, the...
Mehr erfahrenI had this issue before, when wanting to recover txt messages I deleted. Try downloading PhonePaw application on your PC. The only issue you will have is the phone is not in debugging mode. Without that turned on it might be impossible to recover the data.. Here is a link to there site, hope it helps you. https://www.fonepaw.com/tutorials/recove...-data-from-android-internal-memory.html Update (06/22/2019): If there is oxidation on the board cleaning the word with alcohol might help, but in most cases it will not depending how much charge he had on the battery when it got wet.
Mehr erfahrenCheck that the power switch is not stuck in any way. If you just brought it then I would consider taking it back to the vendor you brought it from. It is possible that the power switch is a fault and stuck in or shorted in the on position all the time..
Mehr erfahrenIf your Xbox One or Xbox One S keeps TURNING OFF, it is most likely due to OVERHEATING. ++++ Your Xbox can also turn off under these following conditions: 1 – MOST LIKELY – The console is too hot internally (overheating – fan issue – blocked air vents) 2 – The power supply or power supply cord has an issue or is faulty (end of power cord going into Xbox is bent or damaged) 3 – The TURN OFF setting is enabled and the console has been inactive for the period of time (change the power ON and OFF settings) Turn on the console – Scroll left from Home to open the guide – Select Settings – Select All Settings – Select Power – Select Turn off or restart. If you still have issues with the Xbox turning off by itself, continue reading below… CHECK First – Check to be sure the power supply cord is connected to the Xbox securely and is not loose or damaged. CHECK Second – Be sure the Xbox power cord going to the outlet is secure and not loose or bent. CHECK Third – Make sure there is no heavy dust build-up on the air...
Mehr erfahrenThe most cause for dark screen is defective Led’s inside the panel Some of the leds are failing and causing the screen to look dark on one side or entirely. You will need to replace the led strips in the panel to resolve the issue. Shopjimmy.com has a lot of backlight stripes for purchase, This is a major repair and will take time and patience to replace them. They also have a video on how to replace Backlight strips. Also check the V+ And V- voltages going to the panels leds
Mehr erfahrenHello, check the output voltages on the power supply, especially the standby 5volt this should be supplied to the main board at all times when the set is plugged into the AC. If it the 5v fades in voltage then the problem is likely a bad filter cap in the 5v standby circuit.
Mehr erfahrenHello, if you did the flashlight test and you did see video, then the problem is your backlight LED ’s are bad there may be one or two of them shorted, in this case the panel will not light up, you will need to replace the backlight strips in the panel. This is major repair as the screen itself will need to come apart to get to them.
Mehr erfahrenHello I been servicing HDTV and monitors for over 25yrs, if you replaced the logic board and still get the same issue or no screen, then this may be a panel issue. The panel matrix is faulty and need to replace. Replaced the screen. Also have the power supply checked for Leaky capacitors or ones that are swollen on its tops.
Mehr erfahren1 – MOST LIKELY – The console is too hot internally (overheating – fan issue – blocked air vents) 2 – The power supply or power supply cord has an issue or is faulty (end of power cord going into Xbox is bent or damaged) 3 – The TURN OFF setting is enabled and the console has been inactive for the period of time (change the power ON and OFF settings) Turn on the console – Scroll left from Home to open the guide – Select Settings – Select All Settings – Select Power – Select Turn off or restart. If you still have issues with the Xbox turning off by itself, continue reading below… CHECK First – Check to be sure the power supply cord is connected to the Xbox securely and is not loose or damaged. CHECK Second – Be sure the Xbox power cord going to the outlet is secure and not loose or bent. CHECK Third – Make sure there is no heavy dust build-up on the air vents of the Xbox that could allow it to overheat.
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