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My screen is darker than normal.

My tv is about 3-4 years old. What is causing the picture to go dark. I've checked the brightness and have reset everything. Still not bright.

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my screen is dimmer on the bottom half


My screen keeps flashing & really dark on right side. Had this TV for 3-4 years.


I have a 5 year old Vizio P652UI-B2 and the top 1/3 of the screen is much darker than the rest of the display. I've got the backlighting as high as it will go and I can barely see white text near the top of the screen.


my tv has grown darker over the last few weeks, Any ideas what I can do to fix this problem.


Mine is doing the same thing! It started in the right top corner and worked its way across the tv. Now the bottom left corner is the only part still normal. I’ve tried resetting it and messing with the picture setting with no luck. it’s about 5 years old.


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6 Antworten

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The most cause for dark screen is defective Led’s inside the panel Some of the leds are failing and causing the screen to look dark on one side or entirely. You will need to replace the led strips in the panel to resolve the issue. Shopjimmy.com has a lot of backlight stripes for purchase, This is a major repair and will take time and patience to replace them. They also have a video on how to replace Backlight strips. Also check the V+ And V- voltages going to the panels leds

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@deek72 could be a bad panel, bad power board/inverter or bad LED backlight array. It will depend on how dark it gets. Post some images of what you see with your question. Use this guide for that. Remove the back of your TV after you unplug it and take some pistures of the boards on the inside of your TV as well. Let us know what the model is.

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Should not have to troubleshoot a TV that is so new. Like most of us don't have that much time. Or skill. ha


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tv was $700 is it worth fixing ?

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@al marinucci depends what it all looks like. If it is a backlight issue or a power board than yes, it would make economical sense to fix it. If it is the panel, most likely not. Let us know the exact make and model for your TV and try to describe what it all looks like.


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Click on menu than pictures top bar Standard picture

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I have a tcl roku tv that just went dark. But when you try to turn it off there is a little bit brightness but not too much. I made my way around to the brightness and it didn’t do a thing. It powers on and off okay. Do you think it’s the led? Is it worth to fix it?

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The issue is most likely the back lights to the tv have blown

If that doesn’t fix it then it is a motherboard problem

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I've replaced all the leds, all 4 boards and it still is an issue. The only thing I haven't replaced is the wifi module. What else could it be? Turns on. Is a bit brighter in HDR but overall can't be watched during the day.


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