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Our Asus Zenpad C 7.0 is hard to open

When we open our tablet by pressing the power button, it doesn’t open. Only if you press it harder and only if you put the charging wire in it. Pls help

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Hi @gachaz

Does it indicate that is is charging when you just plug in the charger and switch the charger on only?

Here’s a video that shows how to solve starting ( and non starting) problems for an Asus Zenpad C 7.0

If that doesn’t work and it only starts when the charger is connected perhaps there is a problem with the battery and / or Power button and it (or they) need to be replaced.

Here’s a video that shows how to dis-assemble the tablet so that access to the battery is possible.

As there are at least 6 different Zenpad C 7 models and they don’t all use the same battery you will need to search online using the full model number of the tablet to see if there are suppliers of a replacement. Alternatively the part number should be printed on the battery in your tablet, so use that number to search for suppliers.

ZenPad C 7 Z170C (P01Z)

ZenPad C 7 Z170CG (P01Y)

ZenPad C 7 Z170MG

ZenPad C 7 Z171KG

ZenPad C 7 Z7010C

ZenPad C 7 Z7010CG

If the Power button is faulty i.e. intermittent in its’ operation, it is part of the Power and Volume Buttons flex cable. Search online for Asus Zenpad C 7.0 (insert model number) Power and Volume Buttons flex cable to find suppliers

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