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Anleitungen und Reparaturhilfen für Küchengeräte von KitchenAid.

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My beater will not disengage

When I try to remove the beater I can’t line up the male/female connection to remove the beater.

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1 Antwort

  • Compress a wet, warm towel around the beater shaft for 10 minutes.
    • Re-warm it after the 10 minutes, put it on again and let it set for 1 -2 more minutes.
    • This will re-warm the aluminum, causing it to expand. After this time, try to wiggle and remove the beater.
  • If the beater does not come off with the hot compress, try applying a small amount of mineral oil to the beater shaft above the beater and in the slot where the beater attaches to the beater shaft pin.
    • Allow the oil to sit on the beater shaft for several minutes, and remove the beater.
  • If you don't have any mineral oil, use a vegetable oil cooking spray.
    • If you use vegetable oil, make sure to clean the beater shaft very well after the beater is removed because it can become very sticky over time.
  •  Once the beater is off, soak the beater in hot soapy water and clean out the beater cavity very thoroughly using a wooden skewer to remove any build-up of food particles or oxidation residue.
    • If this residue builds up in the beater cavity where it attaches to the beater shaft it can be difficult to remove.
  • You may also want to apply a little mineral oil to the beater cavity before putting it back on the beater shaft.


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