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Released September 15, 2008 10.1 megapixels, 5x optical zoom, 3.5-inch LCD, HD Movie Recording

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Camera Memory stick locked

Memory stick is locked. not able to shoot photo, nor i can delete photos.

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Is there a lock switch on the stick?


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If you’re using the older style of memory card called the Memory Stick Pro, you should have a lock switch on the back of the card that might’ve accidentally gotten switched on. They look something like this (a red part of the switch will show if the lock function is turned on):

Block Image

However, if you’re using the newer Memory Stick Duo or Memory Stick PRO Duo card, it doesn’t have a lock switch, and that might mean that there’s something electrically wrong with the card or camera. If you have another memory stick you can try in the camera, you can check and see if the error still shows up.

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