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Veröffentlicht am 16. September 2016. Modelbezeichnung 1660, 1778. Verfügbar in den Versionen: GSM oder CDMA / 32, 128 oder 256GB / Rosé Gold, Gold, Silber, Mattschwarz oder Hochglanz-Schwarz

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lcd replacement: use glue to fix touch id sensor?

I have to replace lcd + touch screen in iPhone 7 but when I apply again the home/Touch ID sensor to new display I have to use few glue to fix it?

If answer was yes, what glue type do you suggest to use? In case one day It was necessary to remove It again.

When I disassembled home id sensor from aold display I used iOpener tool to lift it.

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The touch id sensor is held in by a metal bracket and a few screws.

No adhesive is required as seen by the iFixit guide:

iPhone 7 Display tauschen

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I watched many times "iPhone 7 Screen Replacement" but I'd like to make sure:

are there some parts where glue is necessary to apply again?



No I do screen replacements daily and no glue is required at all.


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