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Eine TV Spielkonsole von Sony Entertainment, auch bekannt als PS4. Sie wurde am 20. Februar 2013 angekündigt und kam am 15. November 2013 auf den Markt.

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Disc drive not working

Hi I've been having problems with my disc drive. I was playing normally when my ps4 ejected the disc I was playing and I thought it was normal because it has happened before and I fixed it just restarting the ps4 from the safe mode, that didn't happen this time and now I can't insert discs because it doesn't even try to suck the disc it seems like it doesn't have energy or something.

I tried inserting the disc manually with the screw on the side of the console but when it is in the disc drive doesn't read it.

Please help

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I had similar problem, and in my case it was the eject button that got stuck

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