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Der Dyson v6 Absolute ist ein kabelloser Staubsauger ohne Staubbeutel, der im September 2014 auf den Markt kam. Er verfügt über ein HEPA Filtersystem gegen Allergene. Er kann auf allen Böden benutzt werden und wiegt rund 2,1 Kilo. Er hat die Modellnummer SV09.

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Dyson v6 fluffy brush motor replacement

Hi! My dyson motorhead just broke. I disassembled the brush and found the motor was broken. Tried to fix it but i saw sparks and smoke coming from the inside so I have to replace it. I have disassembled the motor too and kept all the original cylinders, screws and plastic cover. So i only need to find a compatible electric motor and re-assembly everything. My question is, how do i know which motor is compatible? It shouldn’t be difficult to find one in aliexpress but i don’t know what to look for. Somebody could help me please? Thanks!

Update (07/08/2019)

I’ve uploaded 2 pictures. 1st picture is my broken motor with the plastic part that I haven’t deattached yet. The other picture corresponds to another dyson v6 fluffy brush motor fullydisassembled

Block Image

Upper line numbers: 1030986

Lower line numbers: 9S0231 C3

Block Image
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Hi @mg_alie,

Your pictures are not there.

Here's how to do this in case you're not sure. Bilder zu einer vorhandenen Frage hinzufügen


Hi @mg_alie,

Did you find some way to replace the broken motor (only) ?

Do you have any link for the motor part or @jayeff for the mini motorized tool (it’s out of stock on your earlier link) ?


Hi @jsncrdnl ,

Try putting the part number/model number into the search box on this webpage and check if there are any results


How did you seperate the plastic from the motor? Any hint?


I had to destroy the old motor but it doesn't not bring much. Inside on the axes is an gear with 24? that is stuck on the axes. That you can't take it off (i couldn't) neither to replace it. Inside the plastic is also 2 torx screws you have to take out under the metal washer where the same gear is...i stopped there. For me is no way to fix it ..any suggestions?


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Hi @mg_alie,

Is there any information written on the motor, e.g. a model number perhaps?

Here's the part number (966086-01) for the mini motorized head for a Dyson Fluffy V6 (SV6) taken from this webpage. Is this what you are referring too?

If you can't find a motor if you search online using the part number only in the search term of your browser, you'll get results for suppliers of the whole motorhead.

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Hey! I just edited my question with the information you asked. Hope that helps


Hi @mg_alie,

Not sure if this is correct but I think that the part number for the motor is 966792-01

Searching online found this link

If this is the correct part that you want it would be more economical to buy the whole mini motorized tool (scroll down the page in the link provided in the answer above to find the part).

if it is not it apologies.


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it is possible to detatch the motor without destroying it all.

use a screwdriver and hammer to hit the center pin of the cog while holding the plastic (not the motor)


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In ebay with that number 1030986 you will find coming from ?china? the little motor for about 12€ . Just replace it and you are good to go. Also Google is offering you other alternatives under that number. Good luck!

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@Rob Kenny did it come off hard? Did you have to apply a lot of force? Mine is pretty stubborn and not moving at all. Any extra advices? Appreciate it!


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