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Dell's Inspiron 1000 is a low-end laptop released in 2004. It has a 15-inch screen and an Intel Celeron processor.

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black screen dell Inspiron refuses to turn on

i just got my laptop brand new in may.

i was using my laptop earlier today and out of nowhere the screen went black. when i tried to restart jt, it worked for two seconds but then went black again.

ive tried everything, and nothing seems to work

when i hold the power button, the keyboard lights up for two seconds and then goes back off. nothing changes.

please help.

btw, my laptop is a dell inspiron 15 5000 series.

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These use LED panels, which generally do not suffer from backlight failure as much as the older CCFL displays did. The backlight should be okay.

To determine if it’s the panel or board, hook it up to an external monitor that has HDMI - this is one of those legacy free laptops without VGA. If it works on the external, you have a bad display and if the problem is still present, you probably have a motherboard issue. It can also be the RAM, but it’s usually a bad motherboard.

If you got it used, I would either return it or repair it based on what kind of warranty you have. If it came from Dell new, return it and get another one. DO NOT attempt to repair it.

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just tried that, and got no image. nothing other than a green screen when i used my flashlight


@heketiwa aluka Yeah... It's the newer LED model with the similar model to the older XP version from back then.


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