Sony HCD-F200/DAV-F200 Ticking Noise (CD/DVD)


I have a Sony Home Cinema set (DAV-F200) with a HCD-F200 Control Unit.

The Control Unit (Wich houses the CD/DVD player) makes a strange “ticking “ noise when a CD is inserted, ejected and a even “heavier” sound when turning the system on, while a disk is already installed (I’ll try to record a video of it soon).

The unit plays CD/DVDs just fine, and doesn’t damage the disk at all. Even though, it sounds like it. I have disassembled the unit and replaced the cd drive belt just in case (that didn’t help)

Now, I’ve never serviced this type of slot-loading player and don’t know what else to try. Any tips?

Some info on the control unit:

Block Image
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