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Hi all! I’ve recently bought an iPhone 6s 64GB secondhand, wich would have faulty GPS. No problem, I was going to use it...
Mehr erfahrenHi all! So, this is my grandma’s TV, it has gone bad overnight and she wanted to know if I could fix it. It’s at my place...
Mehr erfahrenHi, I have a Sony Home Cinema set (DAV-F200) with a HCD-F200 Control Unit. The Control Unit (Wich houses the CD/DVD...
Mehr erfahrenHi! My mom her Galaxy S3 (i8190) mini usb port broke (the little thing inside, just broke in half). Now, I've did some...
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As Dan stated above, it could be the charger. Does it charge when the Macbook is powered off? If you’ve checked that, i’d say the battery is at fault.
Mehr erfahrenThat’s by design. MacOS expects the (i)GPU to be stressed with a external display attached. Like you would use Final Cut Pro, or some other rendering software. Also the thunderbolt compartments (internally) tend to get hotter while in use. We used to be able to control fan speeds, but with the new T2 Security chip that’s made impossible.
Mehr erfahrenYou could. To be on the safe side, you should look at CPU’s with the same TDP. Like a i7-2670QM. But that only gives you an speed advantage of 200mhz on the base clock. Definitely NOT worth the upgrade. So what are options beyond that ? Well a i7-2860QM would be an option, but it has more L3 cache, so I don’t know if the BIOS would accept/support it. The best upgrade would be an i7-2960XM but not only has it more L3 cache, it requires more power. So that’s even a grayer area. If you want the most “sure” option, look for paperwork (manuals, specsheets, etc) from Sony and see if they shipped this model with different types of CPU. Those listed should have the most chance of success. The upgrades are only worth it if you could get the CPU’s at a fair price. Above $40/$50 is not worth the upgrade in my opinion.
Mehr erfahrenAls je heel dicht op de TV gaat zitten en bijv. met een zaklamp in het scherm schijnt, zie je dan bijv. wel beeld maar heel donker? Ik denk namelijk dat de power board van de LG niet meer genoeg stroom kan leveren. Ik vermoed een elco die overleden is. Voor iemand die handig is met electronica is het niet moeilijk om op te sporen en te verhelpen.
Mehr erfahrenHeb je de batterij zelf vervangen? Zo ja, heb je ook de connector doorgemeten? Deed de Macbook dit ook met de vorige batterij?
Mehr erfahrenHi Cees, ik ben bang dat je gelijk hebt als je zegt; "My guess is that the Power Supply needs replacing. However, why do I not suffer from the problem during installation." Vrij eenvouding, tijdens de installatie word lang niet alle hardware volledig aangesproken (Videokaart word bijv. wel geïnitialiseerd maar geen KEXTS geladen.) Maw. bij een installatie word lang niet zoveel stroom verbruikt. Het “recappen” van de oude voeding moet dit probleem oplossen.
Mehr erfahrenKun je in recovery wel de HDD opnieuw formatteren? Gaat dat wel goed?
Mehr erfahrenHelaas Pauline, deze accu moet vervangen worden. De accu maakt namelijk sluiting, Helaas zit bij dit type Macbook de accu “vastgelijmd” en is niet makkelijk (lees; moeilijk om hem “mooi” en netjes ) te vervangen. Dit wil je echt laten doen door iemand die dit al eerder heeft gedaan.
Mehr erfahrenThis problem could be caused by a number of things. Did you try to rest the NVRAM? Step 1: Press Command-Option-P-R quickcly when you turned on your macbook Step 2: Release those key's if you hear the startup chime for the second time. Step 3: Does your macbook boot normally ? To rule out if it is an software related issue, can you run Apple Hardware Test? Depending on your version of Macbook: Step 1: Press "D" quickly when you turned on your macbook. Step 2: Run the tests or Step 1: Press Option-D quickly when you turned on your macbook. Step 2: Run the tests. Last but not least, can you start verbose mode? Press Command-V quickly after startup
Mehr erfahrenHi, The main difference between an (SS)HD and an SSD is that it doesn't have moving parts inside. Because of that, SSD's will always be much cooler compared to an SSHD or HDD. But since the heat disposal and the cooling options of a notebook are limited, it will always be hotter than a traditional PC for example. But I've done this kind of swap so many times with a lot of different types and brands of laptops, I can assure you; Under normal circumstances, heat won't be an issue
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Hi!Did you ever fix the problem @kevind ? My grandma has the same TV and similar sympthoms.