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Löten bezeichnet den Vorgang, bei dem zwei Metallstücke miteinander verschmolzen werden, indem ein Metallverbindungsstück dazwischen angebracht wird. Es gibt viele verschiedene Löttechniken, aber dieser Artikel konzentriert sich auf das elektrische Löten.

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Is hakko FM 2027 good enough for micro soldering?

Or should i buy fm 2032? The thing is FM-2027 has a much larger tip range, and it also has 0.2mm tips. FM-2032 is smaller in your hand, but is it such a large inconvenience?

My supplier currently has a very good price for a set of FM-203 with 2027 soldering iron and micro tweezers, thinking of buying it.

What do you guys think?

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So the only difference is ergonomics?


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I’ve been using the 2027 soldering irons and they are great, I don’t really see much benefit to using a smaller soldering iron handle other than ergonomics, might be better on your hand if you plan to solder for more than a few hours a day.

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