E 15 E5-574G-52QU Freezing and not working properly

I purchased a Acer Aspire E 15 E5-574G-52QU a couple years ago and been using it pretty much daily since then. Last night it started slowing down and acting weird.. I let my nephew play his game before I fell asleep. When I woke up it was still acting weird and then my mouse disconnected and I got this blue screen error:

DPC Watchdog Violation (error code: DPC_Watchdog_Violation)

I researched this error and did something to to get rid of it. ( Updated  Chipset driver,Updated Nvidia Driver , ran chkdsk to see if hard drive was corrupted, turned off quick start up aswell)

After all this I managed to get rid of the "WatchDog" Error blue screen and was able to boot my laptop again. But now it freezes and very slow on any little thing I do. When I open task manager it takes a long time and blacks my screen for a split second and pops up and says my CPU 100% and everything else beside that looks fine.

Really not what sure to do. I am very poor I got laid off recently and need this Laptop for work etc.

So basically do I need to buy and replace the hard drive (found my WD10JPVX hard drive on amazon for 50$). Or replace the grahpics card (Geforce 940m) somehow??? Or the CPU??? Or is that even possible? I didn't see where I can buy one of those. Or should I just start saving up for a new Laptop?

Please any help would be appreciated greatly!

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