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Der Acer Nitro 5 AN515-53-55G9 ist ein Laptop für preisbewusste Gamer, welche 2018 auf den Markt kam. Der Laptop verfügt über einen 256 GB SSD Speicher, eine Nvidia GeForce Grafikkarte und einen Intel Core i5 Quad-Core Prozessor zu einem günstigeren Preis als bei den meisten Gaming Laptops.

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I stripped my heatsink screws which are too tight

hey guys, I own a nitro 5 gtx1060 16GB.

I bought it last year and have been experiencing fps drops and my performance is affected. So i read online and found out that other nitro 5 users are also encountering the same issue and many managed to solve the overheating issue just by reapplying the thermal paste with something of better quality.

So I took apart my laptop and as i was attempting to unscrew the heatsink, i realised that the screws were too tight and my screwdrivers could not unscrew it ( i was using the normal screwdriver, not those electrical drills ones ). And after several attempts with other screwheads, i was still unable to unscrew it. Now all of the screws are stripped and I still unable to remove the heatsinks.

Tried using duct tape to wrap the screwdriver heads to unscrew the stripped screws but it didnt work

Any suggestions on how I can unscrew those TINY screws which are stripped?

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Did you try using a rubber band? Make sure it's wider and kinda thick(Similar to one's you might see on disk drives where the motor shaft is connected to a gear with a wider rubber band)

Put the wider part of rubber band so that it fills the stripped screw and apply gentle pressure(BE CAREFUL NOT TO BREAK ANYTHING) and unscrew it and see if it works.

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