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Das Asus X555LA ist ein preiswertes Laptop, welches im Mai 2015 auf den Markt kam. Es hat den Intel i5 Prozessor und ist als Einsteigermodell konzipiert.

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Vertical stripes on screen of laptop caused by hardware

Hello. This problem will be described as kind of a story so I hope my english will be ok :D

I bought this laptop, Asus X555L in 2015. After 2 years maybe, I spotted that when I have closed my laptop, the right side has not closed completely, display has not touched the bottom part of laptop. However, everything was still OK. In March of this year, my laptop accidentally was dropped on floor and the cover that covered the joints between the bottom and the display was removed.

In that moment I discovered why I couldn’t have closed my laptop completely. The problem was in the screws in the joint that should connect the bottom part and the display. The screws should hold in ‘tubes’ in the back part of the cover of display but these ‘tubes’ were ripped off. So on the right side, there’s maybe one screw that still holds the display attached. And also some stripes of sticking plaster :)

A few weeks after this accident, when I bent the display, some narrow vertical stripes began to appear just above the right joint. These stripes could be eliminated by pushing the front and back covers of display together or by bending the display.

However, things got worse. After some time, stripes could’t be removed by bending or pushing and nowadays there’s a thick stripe on right side (seems to be composed of multiple thin stripes 1 pixel thick) and a quite narrow stripe on left.

I was thinking how this problem could be solved. Definetely, I should get some new screws (the originals are broken) and the back cover (maybe the front one too). But some of my friends say that maybe I will need a new LCD. So what parts should I get? Or are these repairs pointless and I should buy a new laptop? I will appreciate all the answers and advice. I try to add some pictures too (some of them are from July, when right stripe wasn’t so thick).

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Gewählte Lösung

@turon1 it’s teh flexing that has caused a disconnect of the ribbon cables to the LCD. You will need to replace the hinges, the LCD and possible the top cover. Not a bad repair and I would recommend that repair, no reason to buy a new laptop since your is definitely fixable. Something like this video will help you out.

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Thanks a lot! I hope I will manage to repair it somehow :)


One more question, why should I replace hinges? They don't seem to be damaged...


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