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Eine preisgünstigere Version der Nintendo Switch Spielkonsole als rein tragbare Konsole, mit eingebauten Joy-Con Controllern und etwas kleinerem Bildschirm. Erschienen am 20. September 2019.

20 Fragen Alle anzeigen

How much does a screen repair cost on switch lite?

My computer fell on my switch lite screen not cracking the screen but impacting the display underneath causing it to go partially black. How much would that cost to fix or should I get a whole new lite?

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i have no idea because i have a cracked screen to so i need help to.


I have a Nintendo switch lite and I cracked it to where it is showing blue, red, white, yellow, lines how do I fix it?


Hhow much does it cost to repair a broken Nintendo switch screen


My Switch Fell And The Screen Is Smashed and its Black and Yellow What Do i do im broke


my switch's screen is blue how much is it to get it fixt


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@switchitup looks like a replacement screen is around $80 USD at places like this There is no guide for the LCD repair just yet but the teardown should get you there as well. Why replace it for something that can be repaired? Keep stuff working and out of our landfills. We do have enough eWaste already and do not need to add to it ;-)

If you find that this is not something you want to tackle, contact @tronicsfix and see if he can help you out

Nintendo Switch Lite Teardown

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Nintendo charges $89 for a screen fix plus $5-$15 shipping

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My screen is cracked on my switch lite how much would it cost to get it fixed

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Is only the glass cracked, or is the display itself also damaged?


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