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iMac SuperDrive in a 12" PBG4?

I was gifted a 12” PBG4 today and I’m trying to re-install Mac OS X on it to make it functional again. However… the optical drive seems to be kaput (spits the disc back out after a few seconds). I have a plethora of iMac optical drives and I was wondering if they would work in my PowerBook.

The optical drives’ model numbers are all GA32N.

Thanks in advance!

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There is a list on this guide of the drive that will work:

PowerBook G4 Aluminum 12" 1-1.5 GHz Optical Drive Replacement

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@tronke according to my information the GA32N is not compatible with the PowerBook G4

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Not sure for something that old but the older iMac drives work with old Macbooks so its worth double checking. You can also try regreasing and cleaning the lens on the drive to see if that fixes it

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