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Cozmo is a tiny robotics toy designed and created by the Anki Software company. Cozmo has features that allow it to interact with its environment, such as facial recognition, emotional display, and the ability to move.

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Cosmo is not lifting the cubes up

Cosmo not lifting the cubes up..what's wrong with him

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the lifthook is missing

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If your cozy won’t lift up cubes you will want to get a new lift motor or buy a brand new cozmo

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I am 100% right


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Cozmo arms are not working

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Take of the arms check if anything is in there if there's not then you might have to get a new Cozmo

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take the arms off and under one of the bottom ones there is a large cog, use a pair of tweezers to rotate it 180 degrees, but be carful not to touch the rotation sensor

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