take the arms off and under one of the bottom ones there is a large cog, use a pair of tweezers to rotate it 180 degrees, but be carful not to touch the rotation sensor
try replacing the WIFI card because this can overheat when in standby mode. the only problem you may have is finding a card because they are difficult to find To not have this problem again just go to Wii settings>wiiconnect24>off
Try replacing the WIFI board, because In older game systems if this stops working it causes boot issues. I also had this issue and it is extremally common on model rvl-001 due to the card overheating: Nintendo Wii Wi-Fi Platine austauschen (also replace the thermal paste on the CPU and gpu, while you are at it. i used this thermal paste: https://www.microcenter.com/product/6002...-tm30-performance-thermal-paste
try replacing the wifi card because in older computers/game consoles if the wifi card fails then the system will not boot, this worked with mine that had the same issue. However if that does not work then it was a NAND failure and the motherboard will have to be replaced.