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Repair guides and support for the 5th generation Honda Civic, first released in late 1991.

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Cooling fan not working 92 Honda Civic

I have the same question, but I will give feedback on the answer. I have a 92 Civic, replaced a leaking radiator, fan was not working, so I replaced with a new fan same time I replaced the radiator. Fan is new, fuse is good, fan will not turn on. I don't have a multimeter, and wouldn't know how to use it if I did. What do you thing is the most obvious problem ? Thank You

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Thanks to both of you. With your help I found and replaced the radiator fan switch. The fan is now working fine, you saved me hours of head scratching, I really appreciate it.

Thank you again!


You are very welcome and all the best to you. Drive safe and stay cool


I have a 1995 Honda Civic DX with a radiator fan motor that will not turn on. I have tested the fan motor [its runs], checked the relay switch and fuse under the hood [they were replaced], changed the temperature sensor and thermostat and still nothing. With fluids filled, car runs fine for about 25 miles or about 40 minutes before temp gauge starts to move up and down slowly. By then reservoir is low and needs more fluid. Is here another fuse some where to check?


My problem I have a broken wire on the plug that goes into the sensor o thermostat housing where can I buy that plug


How many fans does a Honda ballade 1995 model have all in all?


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Check this question Why does my motor fan not work? and check on the image that is attached to it. You see the switch in the thermostat housing. You can briefly check if that is the issue. by removing the plug from the switch. Take a paperclip and insert one end of the paperclip in each one of the contacts. This should close the circuit and turn the fan on. Good Luck

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Thanks to you both for you input. I will go check out the switch and get back to you.


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First thing that comes to my mind is your radiator fan switch. If it's worn out/damaged it won't send a signal for your fan to turn on, regardless of engine temperature.

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Where is a radiator fan switch located and can it be tested before you replace it ?


I think this picture should be your car. Here is a link with a real picture in it (the thermo sensor) and also some helpful trouble shooting tips.


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most obvious is you dont know how to work on cars,its ok, niether do I. sounds like youve replaced a few of the things already that would cause problems and if your fan is still not working then its very possible the relay switch to it is not telling it to go on, or when it does the actual wires that power the fan arent working, if you dont own a multimeter for testing the power take it to a mechanic have him test it, pay him to test only and diagnos, then fix it yourself if you can,these are things that just plug in sometimes, if it takes real mechanic skill to fix then pay the man!

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On my 95 ballade I thought it was the fan switch on the thermostat housing so I took it off and tested it. First I checked for continuity when cold nothing, put it on the stove to heat up then there was continuity so I put fan switch back and out with thermostat, put in boiling water and nothing happens. Got new thermostat and the fan worked again

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