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Repair guides and support for the 5th generation Honda Civic, first released in late 1991.

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Why does my motor fan not work?

my car was over heating so i replaced the thermostat.... turns out the fan does not kick on...how do i fix this?

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Gewählte Lösung

There is a switch in your thermostat housing that may not be working. You can use a multimeter to see if the switch closes at temperature. Also check the fan motor itself. I used to do it by applying power directly to the electric motor to see if it works. Not a terribly expensive or tough repair and should be doable in the drive way :-)Let me know if you need a copy of the service manual for the cooling part. Good Luck

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good answer +


I thought so, but I guess Sara Perez did not ;-)? Have not heard back to see if it worked. It would be nice if we would all get a bit more feedback just to make sure that our advise worked or what else is needed....Oh well ;-) Thanks remacberlin


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I am not the original person who posted this but I have the same problem, I jumped the thermo switch plug and the fan came on,

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