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Veröffentlicht am 22. September 2017. Modell A1864, A1897. Erhältlich als GSM oder CDMA / 64 oder 256 GB / Gold, Silber und Space Grau.

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iPhone is 8 plus battery

  • hello my iphone is 8 plus (A1897) GSM I want to change the battery can you tell me with an original one can you tell me what is the compatible battery with my iphone because there is difference between the battery of the GSM and the battery of the CDMA
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Hello, Are you sure that batteries are different ?


@boyer i am a new iphone user sir i am just asking is there any deference between battery or they are all the same ???


Personally I would say that they are identical with a 99% of confidence...


sir i think you give me the answer my last question is this an orginal battery i want to buy from ebay there is some battery with MBG written on it and other batery with CG which one pulled from iphone ??




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Battery is the same for this models

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