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Eine kleine Überarbeitung des MacBook Air von Ende 2018 mit gleicher Modellnummer (A1932) und EMC Nummer (3184). Dieses Modell ist mit True Tone und einem leicht abgeändertem Akku ausgestattet.

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What wrong with touch track pad in my AIR A1466

Last week, I opened my macbook up and entered my password as usual, but when I logged in and tried to actually USE the laptop, I found that the keyboard and trackpad were very very, laggy, as in I would type something and I would sit and wait a solid ten seconds for it to actually work. I used a plug-in and bluetooth mouse and they both worked fine, however the trackpad did not. I tried restarting the laptop, but it wouldn't turn on again for a while.

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Make an appointment with Apple for warranty repair ASAP

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You need to replace it, try ti find it on ebay, it i smuch cheaper than in apple store

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Free is better! This system should still be under warranty


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Follow the repair guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JvXxChgp...

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