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Die Xbox One S ist eine Entwicklung von Microsoft. Sie erschien im August 2016 als Neuauflage der Xbox One.

20 Fragen Alle anzeigen

when I press rt, my character moves forwards

When I press/hold the RT button, my character moves forwards which makes it really hard to play games like Overwatch.

I have a black powerA wired xbox one controller with LED’s on the rims, i forgot the actual name, please help

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Same i have the exact same controller (spectre power A) and this also annoying when im playing minecraft have you managed to fix it i need help..?


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Open up the controller and clean it from the inside. Also the input board.. I’m not sure how it looks like inside the PowerA controller, and I think it will be difficult to find replacement parts for that one too..

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Thanks for the advice, but ive never really opened up a controller i will try though

Do i have to turn it off?


Your welcome! Yes, the controller needs to be turned off. The controller needs to be unplugged.


So all I need to do is open the controller and clean it? What parts should i clean, all of it?


Yes. Check for dust and remove it. The parts you should clean: Thumbsticks, input board (or ribbon circuit board).


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what do i clean it with

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Alcohol wipes.


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i have exactly the same controller and the same issue :(

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These controllars can be a breeze to clean. You can find how-to-videos on YOUTUBE on how to clean or repair your model of controller. With a Power A You just need a precision screwdriver set, a bottle of isopropyl alcohol (aka Rubbing Alcohol), and some electronic cleaning swabs. And something to organize your screws. Some rubber mats are used for circuit boards and other assorted electronics and have little places to organize and keep your screws in place.

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