Why my 6s doesnt take to long to activate and isnt working correctly?


I have an iPhone 6s that I purchased with a broken screen, the previous owner is a friend and he said that the phone was working normally and just had the screen problem. So I repleaced it that and updated the ios to 13.5.1.

Everything worked normally but I noticed that the restoration took a long time to complete, when the phone booted up and started the activation process I noticed that each step was taking too much to complete and sometimes it was freezing and restarting the process. Sometimes the phone, after several minutes (30-40) finished the process and opened the home screen but cameras, phone calls, facetime and other factory apps experienced trouble opening or imediatelly close.

So I went to a repair shop of a friend and he said that normally those problems are related with the NAND and repleaced that for a new one (doing all the complete process of switching NANDs). Doesnt worked the fone still do the same things.

So I have no other option but asking if someon had those problems and solved it

Thank you

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5 Kommentare:

Is the Wi-Fi chip getting hot?


I just checked, its getting a little bit hot, I can guarantee that its the hottest chip on the motherboard but its not boiling, just hotter than the others


After a long time I opened the phone home screen, the same problems keep happening but I now can guarantee that when in use the wifi chip is the hottest chip of the phone, even hotter than the CPU @imicrosoldering


I also realized that almost everytime when I try to turn off the device it looks like its turning off, the screen get black and after 30 seconds It turns on in home screen and touch id unlocks the phone normally (without the message that need passcode first to unlock with touch id as in a normal boot)


It would have been a good idea to change the Wi-Fi chip when they changed the nand as they are binded together. The iPhone 6s has a history of the Wi-Fi chip getting a partial or full short. That would explain your phones behaviour if it had a partial short in it.


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