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Die Sony PS5 wurde im November 2020 veröffentlicht und hat viel bessere Graphikleistungen und einen innovativen neuen DualSense Controller. Das neue Farbschema hat was von Weltraum und ist eine bemerkenswerte Abkehr von den alten Designs der PlayStation.

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How thick are the thermal pads on memory ICs?

Would like to know so I know what thickness pads to order.

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Is there any reason you would want to replace them? I know there was a video showing how hot the ram gets but we haven’t seen many (if any) failures from this so far.

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I would assume their reason would be the same as mine: General maintenance, and life extention of their console. Better not to wait until it does cause a problem before maintaining it.


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Between 0.7-1.5mm.

I'd opt for trying which ever is the thickest in that range that can be fitted perfectly.

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