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What JBC soldering station for microsoldering


Im starting with microsoldering and I dont know what soldering station. I want hakko fm 203 but the shipping fee in my country is about 100 dollars. Is there anyone who is soldering with JBC station? It is better for me to buy this station. What about JBC CD 2BE? Do it a great job?

I tried to work with Chinese Jabe UD 1200 and it is useless. Tried to clean the pads of audio IC on iPhone 6s - impossible.

Thank you for your help.

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Have a look at Lous Rossman his review of both of them :-) JBC Precision hot air and soldering station review with comparison to cheaper Hakko gear he's very honest about the gear he uses.

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I found EU version of Hakko FX 951 so I hope it will works perfect.


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I have one of these. Great station for through hole and medium size SMD, but if you need to do a lot of micro soldering you would be better off with the CD-S station. The base station is the same, but the set comes with the T210 handle. This one is smaller and takes the smaller tips designed for soldering smal smd components.

Check the JBL website, there’s a new CDE-S station coming with cool new features.

Regards, Eelco

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For smaller and standard tasks, I use the JBC T210 handle with a station that I made with a toroidal transformer and a 13 euro controller from China. This T210 handle is sufficient for something like 90 percent of the work. For other things, I use Hakko FM-2028 handle (T12 tips) with a similarly made DIY station. Why Hakko? Well, the main reason is the availability of special tips as knock-offs. For example, I have three spatula type tips (40 mm, 20 mm, and 10 mm wide) and use these quite often (to cover the whole board with solder or to de-solder a large pin array component, etc.). The thing is, that for JBC no such tips are available as knock-offs, only originals. For my Hakko, an original 40 mm spatula tip costs something like 150 euros, but I bought a knock-off for about 25 euros. That is 6 times cheaper! And it performs flawlessly. For JBC, no such copies are available, you would have to spend a fortune to buy the original JBC tip. And for these big tips, it really not so important anymore, what station is used, because they have a very large thermal capacity anyways and melt anything there is to melt. So, my recommendation is JBC T210 handle for most of the things and Hakko FM-2027 or FM-2028 for other things.

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