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Kleine Kaffeevollautomaten von Melitta. Diese Anleitungen können auch bei anderen Melitta-Modellen und bei Kaffeevollautomaten von Nivona, Siemens und Miele helfen – die Modelle sind ähnlich aufgebaut.

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My Melitta Caffeo Barista is leaking water from inside.


After shipping my coffee machine Melitta Caffeo Barista in a plane, it stopped working. I turned it on and I realize the rinsing program was not pouring water on the front but rather realising steam from the top and dropping water from the bottom of the machine. I have opened the machine and realize that the water is leaking on a pipe X-connection in the top of the coffee machine. I have a video and picture of it attached. Any help with how to fix it it is really appreciated!


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