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Released in 2017 the ASUS ROG Strix GL503VD is a high performance gaming laptop.

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SSD upgrade no power to start nor charge

Good evening Gents and Laddies

I have recently done a upgrade on my Asus Strix G731G laptop with an SSD. I have only opened the laptop (last I upgrade the RAM). I disconnected the battery pack before any work being done and completed the installation.

after the installation and everything closed the laptop does not want to start nor want to charge if I plug in the charger.

would one of you know what the problem might be?

I would appreciate it much.

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I took mine apart simply to clean off the fans, same thing disconected battery and charger and after cleaning fans without removing fans or cooling parts I put it back together and no power or charging lights, with or without the battery in or charger connected..


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Gewählte Lösung

A lot of laptops are weird in the sense this happens and it LOOKS dead, but it isn’t. What I’ve done to revive these before varies based on the severity, but more often then not unplugging the battery and pressing the power button (which drains the caps on the motherboard) and then plugging it in without the battery helps. Once you get it going, unplug the adapter and reconnect the battery. NOTE: Sometimes just reconnecting the battery does the trick if the adapter isn't handy, but using the adapter gives you the best chance more often then not. You can do it battery first and see, if you really want to.

If that doesn’t work, try disconnecting the CMOS battery - the CMOS settings could be corrupt (yes, this can happen by upgrading the hardware if the BIOS is sensitive). Again, hold the power button and drain it first.

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