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A compact 13.3-inch office laptop equipped with Whiskey Lake processors.

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My computer (inspiron 13 7380) won't start

Keyboard lights for a second, then goes dark. Will not respond to start switch for about 30 seconds. then the same thing happens, It eventually starts, but only after doing this a number of times (10-20) - How do I handle this?

Update (06/25/2021)

I have now attempted to reset my computer using the ‘fresh start’ option.

During the process the computer restarts, except that it didn’t. - it stayed off and I’ve so far been unable to start it again even with my W10 recovery data stick.

So far I have:

1. Checked everything with Dell Support Assist. - nad

2. Removed battery & coin cell and held the start button down for 1 minute ( I’ve repeated this procedure a number of times.

3 Tried to start with only battery

4. Tried to start with only mains

5 . rebooted the bios

6. Chkdsk -mad

7. Scannow - fixed a few files but otherwise nad

8. HD Sentinel - described my SSD as ‘perfect’

9 Tried Fresh Start - computer now refuses to boot.

10. Will not boot with recovery data stick.

I have not yet tried kicking it.

Is there anything more I can do?

Is there any way I can get the computer to boot?

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4 Antworten

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Try a power refresh and check if that resolves the problem.

Here’s the procedure:

i). Turn off the laptop if on and disconnect the charger if connected.

ii). Remove the battery from the laptop.

Here’s the service manual for the laptop. Go to p.14 to view the necessary pre-requisite steps and then the procedure to remove the battery.

iii). Disconnect the coin cell battery from the motherboard. Go to p.17 to view the necessary pre-requisite steps and then the procedure to remove the coin cell battery.

iv). Press and hold the laptop’s Power On button for a full 30 seconds and then release.

v). Reconnect the coin cell battery and then reinsert the main battery as shown in the manual.

vi). Reassemble the laptop and connect the charger and turn on the laptop.

If it starts OK there may be a message about the date and time being incorrect. This is normal as the BIOS has been reset. Once the date and time have been corrected the message won’t appear the next time the laptop is started.

Also if it starts OK for a few times but then the no start problem re-occurs, replace the coin cell battery. Check for a part number on the battery itself. It is the RTC battery (Real Time Clock, aka cmos battery) and its function is to maintain the BIOS settings when the laptop is switched off. It is a 3V non rechargeable battery and when its voltage gets too low e.g. <2.5V the BIOS settings can sometimes get corrupted, preventing a normal start.

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This did not work


For me either



Does the laptop indicate that the battery is charging when the charger is connected?

If so does the battery fully charge if the charger is left on?


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You could try removing as many components as possible, one at a time, to check for electrical shorts, etc.

  • Remove hard drive. Now can you get to BIOS screen? If yes then that is your problem.
  • Remove both RAM modules and try each one, one at a time, in both sockets
  • Repeat with WiFi card, etc.

Have you cleaned out dust and made sure fan is spinning?

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if that doesn’t do it, suspect an HDD failure.

If you get it started run chkdsk c: in a cmd or powershell prompt

When it has completed - and it may take a very long time - run sfc /scannow in the prompt.

If that has unfixed errors run dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth in prompt

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chkdsk is useless. I'm putting a recommendation in an answer.


Chkdsk showed no errors

Scannow found some errors it reported as fixed (SSD 256)

Fault still exists

What now?


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Dell has a love affair with Seagate unless you buy an SSD - in which case, usually SK Hynix or Samsung OEM parts like the PM series for Samsung. Seagate drives after the 7200.11 are not known for reliability anymore, as sad as it is :/. They used to be good budget drives if a WD was too costly even if their lifetime was never as good!

Run a tool like Hard Disk Sentinel on the drive, especially if the issue persists after the CMOS battery fix, especially with a 500GB hard drive - every time, those prove to be Seagate with Dell. It’s a paid tool, but you can use it for health monitoring as well and can run in the background so if something happens it can be caught before it gets worse. Even the Samsung “ST Spinpoint” drives are just as shoddy as the actual Seagate drives as Seagate was cost cutting and killed Samsung’s non SSD credibility.

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HDS describes ssd as ‘perfect’

What now?


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