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Erschienen im November 2016. Die PS4 Pro bietet verbesserte Hardware für 4K Spiele und Videostreaming.

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PSU replacement connector cable differences


Recently the PSU on my ps4 pro blew (popped cap) so I got a new one, the previous PS4 pro had the ADP-300P1A PSU in and my new one has the ADP-300CR.

The new console was being very loud so i decided to swap the PSUs around but it appears that the small connector cable for each is different so I can’t swap them between consoles, does anyone have experience of this?


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Unfortunately Sony likes to release many different internal revisions of their consoles where they change only minor things. They look the same from the outside but have slightly different model numbers. You can only replace the power supply in your original console with the same model power supply.

The new one being noisy does not surprise me too much, see this quite often with PS4 consoles. Typically a result of either dust buildup in the heatsink, dried up thermal paste, or both causing the console to run hot and run the fan fast. It isn’t typically too bad to get the console apart to clean the dust out, if you are comfortable with trying to take the thing apart further I would recommend doing that.

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Thought that might be the case, guess i'm stripping down the new one and putting new thermal paste on tonight!


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