I broke the transmission range switch conector
i need a photo with the wire colors,grey mother -father conectors,witch color corespond to witch color of wires.can anyone help? Thank you.
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Pacoflypaco@yahoo.com what exact year and model is your honda? Post some picture of where and how yours is broken. I am sure we have a wiring diagram but need to see what you are looking at. Bilder zu einer vorhandenen Frage hinzufügen Post some pictures with your question
von oldturkey03
We need the year, engine size, things like that. I'm finding results but don't want to post until I can confirm what I've found is for your vehicle.
von brandon k
Civic 1.6 2001 fastback automatic
von pacoflypaco@yahoo.com
Thank you for help
von pacoflypaco@yahoo.com