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Eine kleine Überarbeitung des MacBook Air von Ende 2018 mit gleicher Modellnummer (A1932) und EMC Nummer (3184). Dieses Modell ist mit True Tone und einem leicht abgeändertem Akku ausgestattet.

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Can you change the MacBook Air 13" (2019) SSD?

Is it possible for us to change the SSD especially for MacBook Air 13” (2019)? Or we have to change it from the Apple Service Store? If yes, please show us how to change the SSD.

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Sorry you can’t replace the SSD as its soldered directly to the logic board as you can see here marked in Yellow

Block Image

But you could swap out the logic board, in most cases the expense is not worth it. All of the Retina series MacBook Airs are the same setup. The older 2017 and older models do offer replaceable SSD units.

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