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Die Xbox Series S ist die aktuelle Konsole von Microsoft, die ohne Laufwerk auskommt. Sie wurde mit ihrem großen Bruder, der Xbox Series X, am 10. November 2020 veröffentlicht.

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Why is my controllers both joysticks muving up a bit?

Hello guys! I just bought a Xbox series S a few monts ago and my controllers both joysticks are muving up a bit.When im AFK then my caracter starts runing forward slowly.My parents said it was ok but i dont think so i is.Are there any solucions or i need to reeplace the joystick? And btw sorry for my bad english i mean gramaticks.If you dealed whit this probelm before and solved it pls try to help me to!

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unfortunately the joysticks are suffering from stick drift. basically the joysticks have been used enough that the contacts are rubbing raw essentially.

if you google how to fix stick drift there are a TON of fixes that you can try.

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the thumbsticks may be drifiting if necessary you can contact microsoft for help to have it replaced or follow a ifixit guide for the xbox series S

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