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Informationen zur Demontage und Reparatur für das Samsung Galaxy S21 5G Android-Smartphone, erschienen im Januar 2021.

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USB charging port/daughterboard replacement gone wrong

I did the daughterboard replacement and I am now getting a "SIM not provisioned" message. The board does not seem to know what service provider the sim is with. There are no answers anywhere for this that I have seen. Everything is hooked up correctly, the phone registers that the sim is inserted, and the phone even knows the phone number connected to the sim but not the carrier for some reason. All other functionality of the daughterboard is working including charging, microphone, and speaker. Anyone know the answer?

This is my SIM card status page.

Block Image

It won't show my image but it says network is searching for service and network carrier state is not connected whole the phone and sim are activated.

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Possibly your change has caused the carrier to see it as a new device?. Contact them with your imei number and ask them, if so to unlock it; explain the problem, they may be able to fix it,. Im speculating based on this


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Hi Tanner. Check to make sure that the daughterboard is the right one for your carrier or location. Looking at one of the vendors that I get my parts from, there are two different daughterboards for this model phone. One is a North American version, and the other is an international version. You may have gotten the wrong one.

I'm not 100% sure about this model, but I have also seen some models that have different daughterboards for different carriers. So, if you're with AT&T and you're using a daughterboard that is only designed to work with Verizon models, you may encounter this issue. Hope that helps!

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Thank you for your input. I will double check the specifics on my original order to make sure none of those are conflicting.


Okay, I just purchased this part off of your guys website instead of Amazon, will it be compatible with US phone and Verizon as the carrier. Order number is US2354112


@Tanner Shean Hi Tanner. First, I apologize it's taken me so long to respond. You may have already discovered the answer to your question on your own. But if you haven't, can you please tell me who you ordered it from and their part number. PS: I don't work for iFixit. Just here to offer help to others.


Hello, the ifixit part presented the same problem. All features of the daughterboard work but I have no service. The sim card is detected but does not show my carrier. This is the most confused I have ever been.


It is US version with no carrier specifics i believe according to ifixit.


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if the IMEI number is a function of the duatherboard, then the phone must be reactivated with your carrier.

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It has the same IMEI with new and old board.


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I am currently experiencing this problem after i replaced my board...it has same part number as the old one...after experiencing no service with the board, installed back the old board,service is ok but moisture detect...i compard the two boards finding out that there are some parts missing and some part mounted whic is not supposed as compared to the previuos board.

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