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Reparaturanleitungen und Informationen zum 15" Surface Laptop 3 von Microsoft, das 2019 veröffentlicht wurde.

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USB Connector Broken, can we replace it?


we're using a Surface 3 Laptop. Someone damaged the USB Connector, so the Surface wont charge while in Docking Station. Is there any chance to get the USB Slot working again or should i just put it in the Trash ?

Thanks for helping me. :)

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Hello there,

thanks a lot for ur Support and Answers. I just realized, i wrote that we got a "Surface 3 Laptop", but its just the "Surface 3". I think this will be a lot harder to repair. Maybe you can give me some Advice where to buy Surface 3 Components ?

Thanks a lot, have a nice day. :)


One of the youtube videos on how to fix it gives an affiliate link to ebay if you search ebay you should turn one up.


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Revised for your device, again there are youtube videos for this one too. Don't throw it in the trash, if nothing else it is still good for parts to help someone else and keep it out of the landfill.

Microsoft Surface Ladeanschluss austauschen

Short answer,. Yes. Search for your device there are you tube videos. Plus a guide on this site for exactly that... Tear-down guide is here-. Microsoft Surface Laptop 3 (15") Teardown

Microsoft Surface RT Ladeanschluss Bild


Microsoft Surface Ladeanschluss austauschen



15 - 30 minutes

Microsoft Surface Laptop 3 15" Bild


Microsoft Surface Laptop 3 (15") Teardown



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I left the laptop info for anyone seeking help for that based on the title, hopefully it won't be too confusing.


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Soldering will be required, so this is at least a level 3 repair.

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Well You can replace the broken port with the new USB port but you need a person who have the knowledge of computer hardware.

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