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Löten bezeichnet den Vorgang, bei dem zwei Metallstücke miteinander verschmolzen werden, indem ein Metallverbindungsstück dazwischen angebracht wird. Es gibt viele verschiedene Löttechniken, aber dieser Artikel konzentriert sich auf das elektrische Löten.

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What are a good known micro soldering tweasers


Does anyone know of any good microsoldering tweasers

I have been using the ones from my pro-tech tool kit and because of how much they have been used the solder sticks to the end of them

Any recommendations are greatly appreciated


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Well, I'd watch this video and check the prices on Amazon and so on, I think he might sell them on his site too. Possible bias here... I like his videos.


I will watch the video



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Gewählte Lösung

I've used hakko , dumont , amscope and many other off brands. I always end up using Dumont tweezers more . They seem to withstand abuse more than the others. Of course this is just my opinion based on my experience.

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Hi Luis

Thanks soooo much for the recommendations it’s really appreciated

Thanks again :-)


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