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My pc is strucking and the performance is slow

my pc is hanging and always struking while using and the performance beacme slow what should i have to

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What size ram are you using in your machine? From what I could find the standard size that the Dell Vostro 15 3000 comes with is only 4 GB. I would upgrade to a stick of 8 GB RAM, and maybe a bigger SSD for storage if you only have the 512 GB model.

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Try removing useless files as it can sometimes improve alot by that.

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You can replace you HHD with SSD and use your HHD in place of CD-Drive by using Candy this will enhance the performance of your laptop like forever.

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first how much gig ram you have>

if less than 4gig you should install 32b os.otherwise 64b.

if your lap is slow naturaly use ssd drive atleast 256 gig only for os and programs.

and old hdd remain for store video and ...

if its old use win7

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