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Repair information for the Sony Bravia 4K 55" Ultra High Definition Smart LED TV. Released in 2019. Model number: XBR-55X950G.

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Loss of Volume Control and Unable to Turn TV off

I have a SONY XBR-55X900E UHD TV. The other day the volume control and the power button quit functioning on my remote. After attempting a factory reset, the TV acted like it was starting back up, but then I saw the dreaded dead android bot with the red exclamation point. I've been told this is a hardware problem and the TV needs a new main circuit board. Any thoughts?

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@unclehank this "Volume Control and Unable to Turn TV Off" could be the main board but it could also be the IR board. Post some good pictures of your boards with your question so we can see what you see. Sometimes damage to the main board will be visible. https://www.ifixit.com/Guide/Adding+imag...

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