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Veröffentlicht am 26. Oktober 2018. Modelle A1984, A2105, A2106, A2108. Erhältlich als GSM oder CDMA / eSIM, Nano-SIM oder Dual-SIM / 64, 128 oder 256 GB / Schwarz, Weiß, Blau, Gelb, Koralle oder Rot. (Ausgesprochen "iPhone 10 R.")

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Stuck in boot loop while installing newest 16.0.3 software

Hello everyone. I’m having trouble with an iPhone XR. The issue is I downloaded the newest software and let the phone go through its paces and it all went just fine until it came down to the stage of installing the software. When it’s ready for installation the Apple logo shows up with the line underneath and the bar starts to move. Before the bar even gets to the Apple logo the phone shuts down then turns back on after a few seconds then repeats the process over and over again until I disconnect the battery. I tried a hard reset which I already know at this point just probably just makes the whole system laugh at me but anyway the issue here is that I’m trying to save the data on this phone. The phone can be discarded once I have this data saved if it’s possible. The iCloud backup is too far behind to preserve the photos and phone numbers that I’d like to keep. I’d just love to know my options from here if there are any. Thanks to all that answer and you all have a wonderful day. Thanks again

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This is a bit of sticky situation isn’t it!

At the moment I think the best thing you can do is plug it in to a Mac and use finder to try and make a backup but if it doesn’t let you do that your only option may be to restore it

Here’s some videos on making backups and restoring





If you are on a windows computer you will need to follow along with these videos(linked below)





If all this doesn’t work please let me know and we can try something else

Hopefully this helps

Any questions please ask


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It sounds like there is a specific part of the update process that the phone is failing. It could be helpful to know what that specific bit is.

Was there a specific reason you initiated this update? Some history could be useful, was it damaged in any way? I will mention the iPhone Keeps Restarting wiki, but I'm not sure that it might be overly useful in your case.

I would be curious to see what the update logs are saying.

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