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Windows 7 issued, 64-bit laptop, touch-screen laptop/notebook.

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Why is my screen super dark

My computer screen is super dark that i can't see

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@mazby sounds like a bad backlight. Could be your LCD screen or your motherboard. At this point I suggest you start opening it up and check the connectors on the board. Check for burned components etc. Also check to make sure that the cables are properly connected. Next let us know what the exact model for your mother board is. It will be silk screened on that. I would replace the screen and hope that it is the backlight itself vs. the backlight power circuit on the motherboard. You did not tell us if anything happened to the computer and if it indeed is a Envy-03077. You can get the service manual for your computer from here It will help you with the replacement. If unsure about the motherboard., you can post some good pictures of it with your QUESTION so we can try and help you further.

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Might be worth trying to increases the screen brightness FN + F3 if that does not work it will be the backlight.

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