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model NN-SN966S Lost all control of the keypad exept Reset

First, out of the blue, the display screen showed the Power Level counting down repeatedly (P 10, P 9...) while at the same time the speaker was sending out a continuous beep, beep, beep.

When I unplugged the device for a couple minutes, then plugged the power cable back into the socket, the display came up flashing and showed 88:88. I pressed every button on the keypad and only the Reset button worked clearing the display and showed : and again none of the keys on the keypad worked.

Anyone have any ideas? I'm thinking maybe the keypad failed or possibly the microprocessor. Is this even fixable?

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Did you find an answer. I have the exact same problem.


I, too, have this problem. Pressing Reset causes a beep and clears the 88:88 from the display. No other buttons beep or do anything.


Hi, I am having the same issue. Did you find a solution or just have to purchase a new microwave? Thanks!


I m having same issue


Same issue ...I got a new microwave and a couple weeks later plugged it back up just to see and it worked... worked for day and half then did it again.


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SOLUTION OK, My Panasonic SN966S Microwave suddenly died yesterday. Also after 2.5 years of average use, it suddenly started beeping and cycling through power levels before going totally unresponsive. My wife was distraught at the thought of no microwave for the next 10 days. So I dissasembled it and was able to confirm it is the Membrane keypad that seems to have failed.

I wasn't able to remove the membrane keypad, and I had no replacement redily available. So I pondered what would be the next best thing. My wife would be happy if we could warm tea or vegatables, so we don't need all the fancy extra keys.

My best estimate was that one of the rows or colums was shorting out 100% of the time, causing the keyboard Matrix to no longer be readable by the CPU.

I guessed that if I was able to break the short open, all would be good. But that looked like a lot of work to attempt to hack open the mebrane and risk destroying it, and the aesthetics would not make my wife happy.

So I experimented, with a strip of mylar about 0.2 inches wide, I slipped it into the " CN5 " keyboard connector socket, and moved it through the 9 trace positions until I found a wire that I could disable, and bring the unit back to life.

To my surprise after 6 failed attempts the 7th position gave me a bit of happiness. By isolating the 7th trace ( counting from top to bottom ) on the flexible membrane cable, I was able to isolate the short and the microwave came back to life !

I admit its not " good as new" , the "2 shows up as a 3" and the "power level button no longer works :-) ) but for a penny and 30 minutes of your time, it lets us use it until if and when we decide to replace the keyboard with a new one.

Update (06/29/24)

Here are the picks of the mylar strip in white

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Hi Steve - You are a genius! I had the exact same issue (Panasonic built in 2.5 year self destruct) followed your fix and it works. Not good as new, as you note, but the important parts work and the fix was free!


This JUST happened to me! I’ve never been in a microwave before. Do you have any pics of your repair or the Mylar you used? None are showing. Thanks!


Sorry, just saw the pic up top!


i tried this, and realized the contact is actually on the other side of the connector{ test gray color pin on mylar side, not white side} . easier way to test the pad is by remove it from the black clip and test the pad using a ohm meter, any resistance of anypins to other is a short (pad is shorted).

usually issue is the board


PS> when key pad is not pressed, all pins are normally open position. (no ohms showing between any of pins)


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Yes, Panasonic is aware of this faulty product, and has a solution. A chat with tech support today (9-12-2023) said "Yeah, those are symptoms of an internal component failing, unfortunately. Would you like me to look for a service center?"
My microwave, and dozens of other people's (read the unhappy 1 star reviews on Amazon) echo the exact same failure sequence. And they are not happy, because if it is out of the 1 year warranty-- so it's toast. For what I paid (over $350 with tax and shipping) it should have lived longer than 2 years and 6 months!

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I had my unit fail twice this way. The first time was 12.5 months after purchase, and I convinced Panasonic to repair it even though it was 2 weeks past warranty. Then, 2 days ago, I was woken up at 4 am by the microwave counting down the different power levels and beeping non-stop, followed by a complete freeze of the keypad. I found this thread, and was so glad I did: the fix described worked perfectly. Yes, the 2 presses as a 3, the 6 as a 7 and the zero doesn't work, but given that the unit is built-in and finding another the exact size would be a lot of work, I'm happy to be able to heat my food for 1:59 instead of 2:00.


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@flasharoo since there are no schematics for the keypads, it might be difficult to repair those. From what you are telling us, it sounds like a bad keypad. Of course, check it for any obviously failed component and post pictures. That way we might identify what may have gone wrong. Bilder zu einer vorhandenen Frage hinzufügen

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I believe the problem is the timer or the ability to use the buttons to set the time!

88:88 That is what is displayed in the time window, when that happens no buttons

Work except reset!!!!!

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FYI - Here is a link to a parts site that sells the replacement keypad assembly: https://applianceparts.com/item/10838409...

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Did you need to replace just the keypad assembly, or also the pc board behind it?


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Mine croaked a couple days ago. Thirty months since we bought it.

Guessed the Power button was shorted and saw the photo fix. We had been leaving it unplugged and only plugged it in to do 30 sec warmups, mostly coffee. Decided to take my keypad apart and removed the tin spring piece in the touch pad. Re assembled and no countdown like before but only RESET would work. I am not convinced a new touch pad would fix the problem, but until I can find a schematic. I suspect that the touch pads have an RC filter to prevent multiple signals from one press, a common problem on computer keyboards. I also found some solder splatter on the circuit board but after cleaning it all off, the problem continues.

The touch pad is available from several sources, including Amazon, so I'm not worried about finding one if/when I can be certain that is the problem.

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I replaced just the keypad on mine, and it worked.


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Do a hard reset

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Steve Vorres is a baller. You have to obtain a special security torx 6-point T15 screwdriver bit to remove the cover. Then push the tabs on the black CN5 connector in to remove the wiring. I used a thin piece of scotch tape to cover the EXACT #7 trace that Steve described (I tried others first but ended up at #7). Reinsert the wiring strip with #7 taped over, lock in the black connector, and you are good to go.

Agree that "2" shows up as a "3" and the power level button no longer works. "7" also shows up as "6."

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