Wire broke. Can it be replaced?
Wire inside broke. Can it be replaced?
Ist dies eine gute Frage?
Wire inside broke. Can it be replaced?
Ist dies eine gute Frage?
Broken wires from Ionic Breeze (3 images)
Can the wire be simply soldered back together ?
It would be tricky to clamp into place, but it seems like
electrically, this would work, conductivity is the key thing.
So my thought is to snip 1/4" from the end of the wire
and place it VERY VERY close to the broken (two pieces)
then solder them together so that the maximum size
increase would be just two wires; that little bead would
be able to navigate over the spliced area if you were
very careful sliding it ( 2 of them) as you let gravity
work on the slide(s). cleaning them. Be sure to see the
three images in this post.
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So, no answers. I heard it was tungsten wire.
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@drpease You’re not giving us much to go on here… Remember, the more information you provide, the easier and better we can help. How to ask a good question on iFixit
Take some good quality and up close pictures of the wire that broke, and update your question with those. Adding images to existing questions
von Geir Ove Andersen
I believe they are referring to the three (in my case) some units have only two wires running inside the unit from the top PCB to the bottom PCB.
In my unit two of them are broken, can this these wires be repaired? If so, how? Can I find a replacement wire somewhere? Or, can I use some similar wire to repair it?
von Hugo
@hham If you create your own new question, and you take good quality and up close pictures of the problem, then add the images to the question: Adding images to existing questions, we can help you along :)
von Geir Ove Andersen