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The Canon Rebel T6i is a popular, semi-professional grade Camera with a 24.2 MP sensor designed for any user. Also known as the EOS 750D and the EOS Kiss X8i, this guide is meant to aid in the repair of a few common problems that may occur during normal use.

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Canon 760d no power repair

Hi, I have a Canon 760d I've bought from Ebay with no power issue, with fully charged battery it shows no signs of life, after opening it I don't see any signs of water damage, nothing is overheating on motherboard nor DC powerboard Battery door switch and SD card switch test ok, only thing I've found is that connector in upper right corner (white connector with black wires) thats going from DC powerboard to motherboard mesures 0v on every pin...

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is that normal or something got fried... can someone help me with diagnosing that... Thanks

Edit: After randomly voltage testing some components on the motherboard and DC powerboard (see photos) motherboard recives voltage on some points and steps it down, but still nothing on displays.... Tried with dummy battery so I can connect volage meter to see if it draws some current, sadly 0.00A, working camera draws from 0.03 - 0.11A in standby (0.03A when switched off) and 0.25 - 0.39 when display is on or taking pictures...

(Here are marked points where I tested voltage in refference to ground)

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After some more testing with dummy battery and power supply strange things happening: I managed to get some voltage on that connector that was 0v on every pin (1st photo in post), it was 1.2v and it started drawing 0.11A manage to get it by turning power supply off and back on so I'm not even touching the camera, most of the times nothing like before, but roughtly every 10th try it shows voltage and starts drawing current I can replicate it by turning power supply on and off 10 more times... does someone know could it be loose BGA chip somewhere and how to test it?

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@gbphotograph as good as your description is, pictures would be better. Post some pictures of where you are testing and which board etc. you are looking at. Post the pictures to your QUESTION. You will have to edit your question and use this guide Bilder zu einer vorhandenen Frage hinzufügen for that.


@oldturkey03 Thank you for your suggestion, I've uploaded some photos!


Thank you @roboscrap it was a faulty powerboard!


@gbphotograph happy to help 😉


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@gbphotograph I am guessing that battery is OK and contacts inside the camera as well (usually they can be dirty and just need clean - happen to me many times due to using camera outside in not best weather condition). If the connection between battery and DC board is clean than will be probably problem with DC board :(

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Hi @roboscrap thank you for your reply, I've checked battery contacts and they are fine and have continuity to the DC board, I think that battery is good but today tried using dummy battery to connect voltage meter, to see if it draws some current, sadly 0.00A


@gbphotograph did you turn it on (maybe stupid question - sorry) when you measure voltage or you just putted in dummy battery ? Most of the cameras don't give you voltage unless is ON - so I can't damage lens or memory cards.

Sometime can be issue just the ring - had it with another camera where when you turn it on there was poor connection (in ring) and this camera randomly shut down.


@roboscrap It's not stupid question I forgot to say that, It is mesured while main switch is not connected, on a working Canon 10d if switch is not connected camera will turn on by itself when you put the battery in, that working Canon draws 0.03A when is switched Off and jumps to 0.25 when is On but this one apsolutly nothing


@gbphotograph unfortunately it's look like DC board have some issue :( but to be sure check the power ring if you can


@roboscrap I know what are you thinking about power ring I had that problem too on Canon 5d Mark I, but sadly this camera does not have that ring but NC switch (normally closed) that in OFF position constantly pulls one pin to ground, when is switched ON it's open line between switch, pin and ground, that's why it makes no difference if switch is connected or not, I think too that DC board is gone will try to re-flow it but I'm still not 100% sure it can be faulty motherboard too:( still hoping it's something simple,


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