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Die Neuauflage von Apples iPad Air Tablet vom März 2019, das mit dem A12 Bionic Prozessor und dem 10,5" Display antritt.

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Apple iPad 3 air battery charging outside the ipad

Charging the battery

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I have a regulated DC power supply, need to know what to set it to. Does 4v sound about right?


WE need to know more about what you mean. What do you mean by charging outside the iPad? We need more details to help you.


Charging port is not working. I have removed the screen and have 2 wires direct to the battery and am applying 4v 1.9amps direct to the battery. I was wanting to know if this is correct voltage and ampage.

I just need to get enough power in the battery to make a back up so I can set up the wife’s new iPad. After that the iPad I’m working on is junk.


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Check what the battery specs are listed as. It should give you ratings right on the battery itself. Even at lower voltages, it will likely still charge. Most batteries in cell phones and tablets are around 4 volts, so would likely be okay. Also make sure your current limit is set appropriately, I would start low, and once you're sure current is being drawn into the battery, turn it up slowly.

I will also add, if it's just the charge port that's the issue, that's absolutely worth fixing. Or at least sell for parts rather than junking it altogether. The Air 3 is still a pretty capable iPad. Although, it does require soldering to change this port, it's not a terribly difficult job as far as solder repairs go.

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