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The Shark ION Robot R75 is a self-navigating, household vacuum cleaner. This device cleans without human guidance, so simply turn it on, and the robot is off to clean.

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Shark robot RV2001WRUS Won’t charge

Hello everyone I’m here to get some help on a shark vacuum I have it’s a RV2001WRUS shark robot. I checked the battery the small motherboard on the top and dock and even double checked with new parts also but they still work fine. I think it might be the bigger motherboard on the bottom that might be the problem? I been searching for repair videos on this model and just websites on it but nothing. If you know of any repair videos or websites on this specific model “RV2001WRUS” please let me know. If anyone has an answer to this question I’ll appreciate it a lot.

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I found this website it might help but it isn't the exact model but I'm sure this will help.

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