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Repair and disassembly information for Logitech's MX Ergo wireless ergonomic mouse. Identified by model number M-R0065.

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Right/left click button switch model

Hello All,

My mouse button switches feel mushy and don't click as well as the scroll wheel switch, does anyone know what the model is so I can get replacements for them?
I opened the mouse up to see but there's no identifiable information on them, they're just marked as SW8 and SW9 on the board.


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If you are talking about the left/right mouse click, those are SW1 and SW2, which are OMRONs. If you are talking about the left/right tilt buttons that are SW8 and SW9, those are "standard" solderable tactile button switches that you can get from any maker shop.

Tactile Button Switches:

  • Nice article about them in general:
  • I desoldered one for you and found it is made by Alps
    • L x W x H is 6.0mm x 6.0mm x 4.3mm
    • 0.98N, which is around 100 gf
    • Through hole, so easy to solder/desolder
    • No ground pin,
    • It is likely this model, or equivalent: SKHHAJA010
    • Purchase from Mouser or anywhere else you happen to find it
  • There is no reason you have to get an Alps one. These are pretty common and you can get them from several manufacturers, so look around. Here is a CUI one that would work too. Be sure to not get any short terminals/legs

Omron Subminiature Switch

  • You can find replacements for these all over. Amazon, Mouser, Digikey, Aliexpress, etc.
  • Chinese Model D2FC-F-7N(10M)
    • The C means it is the chinese version
  • Japanese Model D2F-01F, equivalent to
    • The equivalent part number from Omron should be D2F-01F. 01 means it is rated for 30VDC, 0.1A. The F at the end means it is the lower force version, 0.74N.

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@jorgeporras Pushbutton switches are a pretty generic item. If you want replacements, you can get some from Amazon, eBay, Aliexpress etc. or any good Electronic Components Distributors like DigiKey (US), Mouser (US), RS Components (Europe/Asia), and LCSC (Worldwide).

For a more specific answer, please upload a picture of the circuit board of the mouse in your question. Bilder zu einer vorhandenen Frage hinzufügen

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