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The HP Pavilion 14m-cd0005dx is a touchscreen laptop designed by HP. It is 14.0-inches diagonal, with a 1366x768-pixel resolution display.

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Guidance on Screen replacement

How much more difficult does “touch screen” function make replacement? Are there many more caveats to screen replacement?

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@eeandersen it is not much more difficult. You will just have a few more cables and connectors. Essentially the same work. You can download the maintenance and service guide for the HP Pavilion x360 14m-cd0005dx from here It'll guide you through the repair

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@eeandersen, On your laptop the touch screen function is integrated into the LCD display, so there isn't any separate part to deal with; in fact, you can't replace them separately. As @oldturkey03 mentioned, there will be one more connector to route and plug in for the digitizer, but that's it for the difference between replacing your display and a simple LCD replacement.


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