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Die Sony PS5 wurde im November 2020 veröffentlicht und hat viel bessere Graphikleistungen und einen innovativen neuen DualSense Controller. Das neue Farbschema hat was von Weltraum und ist eine bemerkenswerte Abkehr von den alten Designs der PlayStation.

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replacement screw for the ssd expansion cover plate

i need to find the replacement screw for the the SSD expansion slot outer cover plate. Set it down and immediately lost it when installing an SSD m.2 drive.

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Where you able to find the size of the screw? Lost mine as well


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Try looking online, Google it or ebay.

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thanks, yeah I've tried looking for that particular screw and every search result tends to show me the screw and spacer combo that holds the m.2 SSD drive in place! I didn't know if it was a specific size or what to search for with that particular screw. Thanks for taking time to reply, thought!


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Here is a kit I found on Ebay. There are dozens of these kits if you just search "PS5 ssd screw"

Also adding a link to this question and another answer about the screw size

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There are lots on eBay, but you can get a genuine replacement from here - https://consoletherapy.com/store/officia...

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